I must admit I've been particularly busy and not managed to blog as much (either with the class or personally) as I would like. What a pleasure, then, when I looked at what the participants had got up to with their blogs over the period!
Most of the participants have established blogs, with some rolling out other class blogs. As one head said to me, all the other teachers had asked when they could get one, so the whole school was up and running within days!
Below are links to show what you can do with some great ideas, and a little know-how:
- Sunnybrow Primary have set up class blogs for the whole school and even the Head has got involved!
- Kelloe Primary have set up 2 class blogs with pictures, links and the 100 word challenge
- 2 participants from Burnside Primary have set up 2 class blogs - I've already asked if I can steal this idea!
- South Stanley Juniors and Year 5 at St Patricks (Consett) have begun their blogging journey too!
I might have guessed though, given what a dedicated bunch they were! We hope to run another course in September, so keep watching this space....