One of my favourite iPad apps is Audioboo (actually it's an iphone app, I believe!)
It allows children to make short audio recordings, which are automatically uploaded to, once you're registered there.
These short recordings can then be uploaded to a Weebly site, using these simple steps:
1. Select your Audioboo file on your PC (or via Safari).
2. Click on Embed!
3. Copy the code, then return to your Weebly blog.
4. Click the 'Embed code' from the toolbar on the left, and paste your code in.
5. It's ready to be enjoyed!
In class, the children love to perform their work. Ideal for poems, stories, music compositions, How would you use it? Below is a pupil from Tanfield Lea (with her poshest voice), performing some persuasive Literacy work!
It allows children to make short audio recordings, which are automatically uploaded to, once you're registered there.
These short recordings can then be uploaded to a Weebly site, using these simple steps:
1. Select your Audioboo file on your PC (or via Safari).
2. Click on Embed!
3. Copy the code, then return to your Weebly blog.
4. Click the 'Embed code' from the toolbar on the left, and paste your code in.
5. It's ready to be enjoyed!
In class, the children love to perform their work. Ideal for poems, stories, music compositions, How would you use it? Below is a pupil from Tanfield Lea (with her poshest voice), performing some persuasive Literacy work!