Here is a list of the benefits of blogging:
- It's new, exciting and creates a whole-school buzz!
- Celebrate success with the school community
- Raise self-esteem
- Showcase digital and 'traditional' work from across the curriculum
- Get children writing for a purpose
- Develop Literacy and Numeracy skills 'by stealth'
- Encourage supportive peer editing with children across the globe (Quadblogging/100WC movements)
- Tag pupils' work to create a digital portfolio of work
- Works seamlessly with PCs/iPads/android devices
- Develop digital literacy and DT skills
- Raise awareness of e-safety in a supportive context
For examples of great class blogs see Tanfield Lea's suite of class blogs, some very mature, some just germinating!
I'd love to hear if you have other reasons to add!